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Skills & Employability Training Program

January 16, 2023 @ 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The employment starting line is different for each individual and is based on different experiences, skills, assets and needs.

The skills and employability program will help you overcome employment-related barriers and challenges, every step of the way, to your final employment destination.

The program also includes the following:

  • Skills assessments
  • Professional, life and financial skills training
  • Employability skills development such as time management, accountability and commitment
  • Education and career exploration
  • Mentor and networking connections
  • Professional resume development, screening and matching
  • Job shadow, placements and volunteer placements for community hours, field trips/trade tours, forums and focus group discussions
  • Full-time or part-time employment opportunities, self-employment exploration, and much more

If you are a newcomer youth in high school, graduating high school or a youth neither in employment, education or training, in Windsor Essex, contact us for an intake and assessment to determine your eligibility and suitability.

Eligibility: Permanent Resident; Convention Refugee

Contact: Rola Mansour at 519-890-2547 or to register.

A ZOOM ID and password will be sent to registrants


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